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Digital Desktop Solutions

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Digital Desktop Solutions

Cloud Space group host your desktop environment on cloud computation from datacenter helping you with all your IT requirements.

Cloud Space Group hosted desktop is an experience in convenience for any firm. Your entire team of staff can access their desktop and various applications almost anywhere. With centralized desktop environment, access your applications and programs from any device that has a web browser. All your data is stored safely with us at our Network operation center. We have the best security systems in the industry to protect your data, so trust us and concentrate on your core business for maximum profits!

Virtualization and Thin Clients

Cloud Space  Group takes all your IT worries off you and promises the best possible services with reduced hardware expenses and diminished software updates worries.
Virtualizing translates to reduced operating cost. By moving to clouds you can have thin client terminals that need only internet and minimal hardware to access Cloud Space  group’s services.

A thin client is less expensive than a traditional terminal, coupled with power savings, maintenance savings and the overhead savings. Therefore, together the savings on cloud computations are substantial that will definitely show on your bottom line. The life cycle of the thin clients too are much more and they will not be needed to upgrade to accommodate the new applications.


Empower your workforce with all the tools they need to experience their productivity in or out of office premises.

Cloud Space  allows you to access all your company’s applications and documents from anywhere. Work from the convenience of home, office or while on the move. All that you need is a device with internet and browser.

Data Security

You never have to think about a critical data being lost or stolen. We guarantee you security.

A hosted desktop environment means that your data is never on any physical device. Your data is always safe at state- of -the -art datacenter.