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Intelligent Information Architecture

Intelligent Information Architecture (IIA) is a set of technical advancements that deliver lower costs and higher power than the previous generation of hardware-based infrastructure. It is a framework for creating highly available, scalable, and secure infrastructure on-demand anywhere on the planet with little or no upfront capital. IIA anticipates the information technology needs of an organization and draws on virtually unlimited resources in any combination or location.   IIA enables organizations to streamline their workflows reducing labor costs while improving performance and consistency in business functions.  The primary building blocks are:

1.Structured design processes/policies


3.Public cloud

4.AI augmentation

The technologies inherent in IIA are readily available and vast in features.  This makes it easy for less skilled IT professionals to over-provision and over-spend in an attempt to resolve design flaws.  Solution architects are trained to design with the value proposition in mind.  The IIA must be carefully designed to balance a reasonable cost structure with high-performance and modern technology.  It requires a depth and breadth of talent that is difficult but necessary to assemble and mobilize within the small to medium enterprise (SME) sector.  This concept is what separates the solution architect from the managed service provider (MSP).  The MSP sells services and products.  Solution architects build and managed solutions. 

Solution architects design systems and leverage automation tools and scalability to deploy new applications and infrastructure in hours rather than months.  Using automation in IT management to handle mundane tasks leverages IT personnel to support magnitudes of larger infrastructure and user base.  Streamlining the launch of new products or services requires an alignment of goals between the technical direction of the architecture and strategic needs of the organization.  However, the improvement in the timing and accuracy of deployment is imperative for businesses that need to adapt quickly to new market conditions.  When these synergies align, organizations enjoy a competitive advantage.

Low capital costs, unlimited scalability and the integration and power to deliver artificial intelligence systems are key features of public cloud.  Unlike traditional IT capital expenditures for hardware, software and data center resources, IIA uses public cloud as the primary infrastructure.  Factoring in variables such as expected growth and potential pivots of the organizational requirements are less important in IIA since your infrastructure can scale and adapt at pace with business operations and industry trends.  

Scalability without significant time and resource costs is an essential aspect of IIA. As the business grows, it becomes essential to expand the IT infrastructure to accommodate new users, applications, and data.  A well-designed IT architecture should provide for elastic scalability through automated provisioning of additional resources and the ability to quickly decommission resources that are no longer needed.  Organizations can efficiently scale up to handle acquisitions.  On the flip side, the IIA footprint can be scaled down with the same efficiency when divesting a segment of the business.

One of the most significant benefits of public cloud is secure global access. With the rise of remote work and globalization, it is essential to ensure that your IT systems can be securely and efficiently accessed from anywhere in the world. Creating a centralized IT architecture that can authenticate users and disseminate data with processing power across different global locations is essential to maintaining operational efficiency.

The future is today in technology.  Artificial intelligence (AI) is a game changer.  Finding it, understanding it, and using it are all difficult propositions.  There are already a significant number of AI-based services in public cloud and IIA.  Many large organizations are using AI data analytics to augment business intelligence and enhance efforts in marketing, sales, and operations.  Others are using AI analytics to identify AP fraud and other forms of theft.  Virtually all AI functionality is based in public cloud infrastructure.  Designing in IIA gives organizations infrastructure that integrates and takes advantage of AI augmentation today.  It also prepares organizations to take advantage of future AI resources.

Cost-effectiveness, timeliness, and accuracy represent a trifecta of success factors delivered by the advanced nature of Intelligent Information Architecture.  The CloudSpace team of solution architects has been perfecting the IIA ecosystem over the last decade to serve its clientele holistically and comprehensively throughout the spectrum of the IT infrastructure business cycle.  Building and using advanced IT helps build competitive advantage.