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Interesting Facts About Cloud Computing

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Interesting Facts About Cloud ComputingInteresting Facts About Cloud Computing

Below is a list of facts that we thought you’d find fascinating as well as useful. When making IT decisions for your small or medium sized business, you will need to make an informed decision.

*  Did you know that by 2016 that 36% of all data is expected to be stored in the Cloud? That’s up from 7% in 2013, according to WebMag.Co?

*  82 percent of all companies saved money in their last cloud adoption project, according to Ramco’s website.

*  80 % of the companies experienced improvements within six months of moving to the cloud. Another interesting fact provided by Ramco.

*  Cloud computing enables smaller businesses to compete with larger companies by removing obstacles associated with expensive server tools and technologies.

*  “99% say that Security played a major role when choosing a cloud deployment,” said Brain Pennington on

*  What are some of the reasons why companies choose cloud computing?

  •      Reduced IT costs – reduces your overall costs in the long term.
  •      Environmental factors – it helps turn your company green!
  •      Flexibility – team members can work from anywhere.
  •      Little to no down time – if the Internet at the office is down, you can now work from home.
  •      Storage – cloud based backups remove any boundaries of physical storage.
  •      Security – cloud services protect you and your business from viruses and theft, as well as ensuring recovery of data.

*  A new server is added to the cloud for every 120 tablets or 600 smartphones. This fascinating fact was provided by Business 2 Community.

*  “Cloud solutions are nothing new. In 1961, Stanford professor John McCarthy became one of the first people to envision a time-share, service bureau-computing model.” This information was posted on Vorsite’s website.

*  Cloud computing is also providing jobs. “Cloud is raining job opportunities. Cloud computing will generate some 14 million new jobs worldwide by 2015,” According to Information week.

*  Cloud computing is #1! Cloud Computing tops the list as the highest IT priority. According to Yahoo Small Business Advisor.

Contact Cloudspace USA today and let us take you into the cloud, so you can start saving money and turn your business green!